martes, 26 de abril de 2011

My First CD (casset) Dissection

Hello to all headbangers of the world
Today my teacher (Simon) give to me a work, and this is write about my first cd I bought.  So back on the time, i was 10 years old, in that time I haven’t money only the money that mom give to me, and in this time i start to listen metal music, so my first favorite band after Iron Maiden  was Dissection, a black metal band (hungarian band i think but i’m not sure) and the album  I wanna buy called (was a ep)” Where dead  angels lie”. So a thuesday I went with my older sister to a music store for buy my first CD (casset), the store was very underground and little, I asked for the name of the band and the name of the ep, and there was i old casset with a picture of the members of the band, i was very happy and buy immediatily the casset.
I like so much this band because was the first death melodic metal with black metal influences, the atmosphere of their songs was very dark and the distortion of the guitars give to them a malevolent rythm.
In this ep my favourite song is called Elizabeth Bathory because the song narrate the story of this person (very lugubry) a dark and strong woman.
The most painful is I lost this casset ( OMFS èOh my Fucking Satan ¡) and never found another casset of this ep .
Now i hear other style of black metal and death metal but OLD SCHOOL BAND never die and still like this band J
See ya ¡.

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Correction of Gricel's Post

The best concert in my life was the "tour in rainbows" of the band Radiohead in 2009. I saved a lot of money all the (NN) year to go. The concert was realized (WE) Taked  on March 26 in the National Stadium. The show was attended for (WW) by 26.000 fans. I went with my twin Natalia and I met with my sociology teacher Larenas!!!
went (WW) came to Chile to promote their last disc "In Rainbows" with songs like: Faust Arp, House of Cads and
The band consist of Thom Yorke, Jonny and Collins Grenwood, Ed O´Briden and Philip Selway.
I am
(SM) a fan since 2005 when for (SM) the first time (SM) I heard a song (Creep) in the radio and I loved it.
I enjoyed very much the concert because was a wonderfull show with ligths and
effects fantastics.(WO) Fantastics effects

I decided to go to the event because I like
very much (WO)  their music and their song very much. But the most important is that I love Thom Yorke!!!!.

I am
exainting (SP) Exciting because Radiohead come for the next Lollapaloza.

This is my favorite song "No surprises"
"A heart that's full up like a landfill a job that slowly kills you bruises that won't heal
You were so tired happy bring down the government they don't they don't speak for her
I'll take the quiet life a handshake of carbon monoxide
No alarms and no surprises no alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises
Silent silent

This is my final fit my final bellyache with
No alarms and no surprises no alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises, please

Such a pretty house, such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises, no alarms and no surprises
No alarms and no surprises, please"

SP: Spelling   P: Punctuation  WW: Wrong Word      SM: Something Missing   NN: Not needed          WT: Wrong Tense     WF: Wrong form     WO: Wrong Order      WE: Wrong expression

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Huasco, The most exciting field trip .


Well dears headbangers and bloggerheards, today i will talk about a field trip (the best of the best) i went two years ago, in that moment i was in the second year of my career (everything was so good at that moment).

For be exact i was in my third semester, and the matter was Cultural Geography, the teacher was Enrique Aliste.
The field trip aimed to visit rurals areas in the sector of Huasco in the Atacama Region, this people in their majority are diaguita descendants and we work was make a interview to this people. The first thing that schock me was the amazing view and the beautiful enviroment of the zone, mountains sorrounded the village and a nice river cross all the village giving a movie scenario. The people i met were very loving to us and very simple. This field trip has been the most exciting. because was a mix of good landscape, good people for sharing and the most important LOT LOT LOT LOT alcohol jaja. I never forget that trip because for getting there we travel in bus around 12 hours (imagine drink alcohol and eat in a bus for twelve hours ! INSANE!) but all the "stress" have a good recompense and that was met HUASCO ! i know i'm back.

I uploaded a picture when i be in mi pc because right now i use the notebook.

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

MSN and stuffs

Hello dears headbangers, today I'm not speak about music ( is a shame) but i tell you one of my "personal" thing, and is my favourite social network.

Well as read in the tittle i'm speak about messenger ( a free software for comunicate with your friends). Messenger is a free access software for comunicating, in the past this software was very primitive system, you can only send your message and someone emoticons (and the sound that make when a message come to you was very funny and strange) at the past of time, this software was updated, (in a many version) and messenger convert in the most used software for chat.

Now messenger have many applications, you can see the person with you comunicate (in a live version only if you have a webcam), you can send sounds, or voice message also you can send photos, archives etc that now in this time is very importan when you make a job or homework and you need send to a friend or to you teacher.

I used messenger for first time when i had 10 years old (i'm not sure), and was a strange experience because i've not idea how use it, but in the past of time i convert a expert jaja. The first person that add in my MSN was my two best friends, my older sister and one cousin. But now I have many people (too many for me) add in my msn, and seriusly I speak with 20 person of 300 person i have add, it is because when i was a children I played a game called Moh:aa (Medal of honor allied assault) online so I added all my friend that in that time I speak. Sincerely i used all tha time, when I arrived to my apartment (in the case when I stay in Santiago city) is the first thing I do.

I like very much this program because let me be comunicate whit my family, friend in Rancagua, and chat with my girlfriend.

And it is all I can get tell you headbangers, I see you in other occasion, AND GOING ON LISTENING METAL MUSIC :D
