martes, 5 de abril de 2011

MSN and stuffs

Hello dears headbangers, today I'm not speak about music ( is a shame) but i tell you one of my "personal" thing, and is my favourite social network.

Well as read in the tittle i'm speak about messenger ( a free software for comunicate with your friends). Messenger is a free access software for comunicating, in the past this software was very primitive system, you can only send your message and someone emoticons (and the sound that make when a message come to you was very funny and strange) at the past of time, this software was updated, (in a many version) and messenger convert in the most used software for chat.

Now messenger have many applications, you can see the person with you comunicate (in a live version only if you have a webcam), you can send sounds, or voice message also you can send photos, archives etc that now in this time is very importan when you make a job or homework and you need send to a friend or to you teacher.

I used messenger for first time when i had 10 years old (i'm not sure), and was a strange experience because i've not idea how use it, but in the past of time i convert a expert jaja. The first person that add in my MSN was my two best friends, my older sister and one cousin. But now I have many people (too many for me) add in my msn, and seriusly I speak with 20 person of 300 person i have add, it is because when i was a children I played a game called Moh:aa (Medal of honor allied assault) online so I added all my friend that in that time I speak. Sincerely i used all tha time, when I arrived to my apartment (in the case when I stay in Santiago city) is the first thing I do.

I like very much this program because let me be comunicate whit my family, friend in Rancagua, and chat with my girlfriend.

And it is all I can get tell you headbangers, I see you in other occasion, AND GOING ON LISTENING METAL MUSIC :D


2 comentarios:

  1. You know I don't use very much MSN chat, but I check my e-mails every days, only talk on MSN with my friends which includes you =)

  2. MSN also is one of my favorites, but most now use gmail. : P
